Friday, February 10, 2012

Pack-a-palooza, among other spectacular-ish thingses...

Hey Everyone!

Christopher Dragonfriend here.  I has some spectacular-ish announcements!

First on the list, Pack-A-Palooza!

Now, think about the other things (pet-a-palooza, mount-a-palooza, house-a-palooza, etc.) What do they all have in common?
They are all sale-ish thingses... AND THEY ALL END IN "-a-palooza"!

Ugh... how repetitive (*cries*)

Readeth more here (Why did I end a verb in -eth? And Why am I saying "-ish" and "thingses"? well... I honestly don't have the foggiest clue!)

 I honestly don't care Most of the problems with the pack-a-palooza, and the kirin's hoard pack, but the repetitiveness is just too much KI...

Oh yes...

MY VERY OWN PROJECT UNICORNPANTS! (Version 2, if you noticed Blaze Unicornflame...)
Say Hello to my secret weapon...

Yes I know he has storm colorses (colors).
Blaze UnicornFlame has been eradicated, replaced by this guy. Whatever...

I can't think of stuffs to say so...

Until we meet again,
-Christopher Dragonfriend

Friday, December 9, 2011

Yuletide festival and the 12 days of wizard!

Hey all, Christopher Dragonfriend here, with 2 important things to say.

Firstly, Felix Navidad has returned (with a new pet, not a vengeance). The old pets and gear have returned as well, but that's not as EPIC AWESOME as the new Yuletide spirit pet available for just 3,000 crowns!

Ghost seraph with MC unicorn? :D

Secondly, there's the 12 days of wizard. Read more here:

And lastly (thirdly) I am working on 2 new videos for my YouTube channel (teamreaperstudios). Go subscribe if you want, I will probably subscribe back.

Until we meet again,
Happy questing!
~Christopher Dragonfriend~

Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! (1 day late) and Zafaria (a number of days late)

Hey All!
It's me, Christopher Dragonfriend.

Just wanted to say happy Turkey Day and announce Zafaria, which I would have done earlier, but I was too lazy.

Find out more about Zafaria here:

Also I wish to apologize, as I have not kept the promise I made in October to update this blog more frequently.  It is merely due to the fact that I have been too busy and/or lazy.

I will try to update this blog more frequently starting in December.   Plus, I am working on a Frosty the Snowman Music video!

Until we meet again,
Happy Questing!
-Christopher Dragonfriend

Monday, October 10, 2011

Project: The Blaze Unicornflame Project

Hey all!
I has decided to make something very much like The Friendly Necromancer's Angus UnicornPants.

Only it's not Angus, It's Blaze. Blaze Unicornflame.
He are gonna be awesome.
Blaze's first Unicorn Way Quest
Happy Questing!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Halloweenfest part 2

Hey all,
As mentioned in Part 1, Halloween is in the spiral.

Pretty much everything but the 3 new pets is the same.

Oh, but there is one thing I can think of...

Pumpkin head now drops White Laugh-O-Dils.

So probably, the others (Baron Mordecai, The Reaper, Hallowe'en Trickster) are able to drop plants, though I am not certain.

I will make a video of a fight against pumpkin head just 'cause I can (and for you people).

I can't think of anything else, so...

Happy Questing!

P.S. Here's a hint at another video I'll make!

Quite obvious, isn't it?

And a preview (in a way)  for a story:

Halloweenfest in Wizard101 Part 1

Halloween came to the spiral on October 3rd

There's 3 new pets!
...OK, The nightmare is somewhat new. it was available as a hybrid once, BUT THIS IS THE REAL DEAL PEOPLE.
here are some pictures of the new pets:

Hmm... I thinks i are going to get this one...

Nightmare pet-- I Has want!
... Wha?
I want either the ghost dragon, or the Nightmare.

The nightmare's best talent, In my opinion:

May cast unicorn!!!


Ghost Dragon:


Happy Questing!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Christopher Dragonfriend, Scarlet Ghostmask, and Sean Dragontamer V.S. The Coven

Christopher Dragonfriend battles the coven to assist a friend (Scarlet Ghostmask).

This video happens to be the first actual video on my new YouTube Channel, Team Reaper Studios.

I don't know what else I could possibly say in this post, so...

Happy Dueling / Questing!
-Christopher Dragonfriend