Monday, October 10, 2011

Project: The Blaze Unicornflame Project

Hey all!
I has decided to make something very much like The Friendly Necromancer's Angus UnicornPants.

Only it's not Angus, It's Blaze. Blaze Unicornflame.
He are gonna be awesome.
Blaze's first Unicorn Way Quest
Happy Questing!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Halloweenfest part 2

Hey all,
As mentioned in Part 1, Halloween is in the spiral.

Pretty much everything but the 3 new pets is the same.

Oh, but there is one thing I can think of...

Pumpkin head now drops White Laugh-O-Dils.

So probably, the others (Baron Mordecai, The Reaper, Hallowe'en Trickster) are able to drop plants, though I am not certain.

I will make a video of a fight against pumpkin head just 'cause I can (and for you people).

I can't think of anything else, so...

Happy Questing!

P.S. Here's a hint at another video I'll make!

Quite obvious, isn't it?

And a preview (in a way)  for a story:

Halloweenfest in Wizard101 Part 1

Halloween came to the spiral on October 3rd

There's 3 new pets!
...OK, The nightmare is somewhat new. it was available as a hybrid once, BUT THIS IS THE REAL DEAL PEOPLE.
here are some pictures of the new pets:

Hmm... I thinks i are going to get this one...

Nightmare pet-- I Has want!
... Wha?
I want either the ghost dragon, or the Nightmare.

The nightmare's best talent, In my opinion:

May cast unicorn!!!


Ghost Dragon:


Happy Questing!