Thursday, March 24, 2011

Christopher Dragonfriend-- V.S. Brutus Starkwave


"Announcing Wintertusk
We're very excited to tell you about the upcoming Wizard101 World: Wintertusk!

Wintertusk will complete the epic storyline that began with Grizzleheim and will offer new things to do, and areas to explore for all levels of young Wizards.

Along with Wintertusk, we will also be launching new spells and new level 58 class pets for each main school of focus. We will also be bringing back the underwater area of the Crab King in sunken Triton Avenue, to tell a story about life in Crab Alley after the departure of Selena Gomez.

Have a sneak peek at Grandmother Raven, and for those of you following the story, Grandmother Raven's appearance will solve many outstanding mysteries of the Spiral!"

How's that? Interesting + Epic Awesome!