Sunday, September 25, 2011

Christopher Dragonfriend, Scarlet Ghostmask, and Sean Dragontamer V.S. The Coven

Christopher Dragonfriend battles the coven to assist a friend (Scarlet Ghostmask).

This video happens to be the first actual video on my new YouTube Channel, Team Reaper Studios.

I don't know what else I could possibly say in this post, so...

Happy Dueling / Questing!
-Christopher Dragonfriend

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Issues in the spiral... and etc. (I'm not dead... yet.)

 My sincerest apologies, fellow wizards, but it comes to my attention that I haven't been doing everything I can with this blog and my YouTube channel.  I can (hopefully) say that this will change somewhere in the near future, particularly in October, because I'm still playing Wizard101, and I will be most active in the spiral then, as I have made a particularly long checklist of things to do before Halloween ends in the spiral.

However, there are issues preventing me from doing what I can. I am a student at a school outside of the spiral,  as well as at the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts.  I do have homework from both (though homework from the spiral is usually significantly easier).

In the future, I plan to update this blog more frequently, upload videos to my YouTube channel whenever I get the opportunity, and complete my checklist.  All this will hopefully occur when October comes (even though October 11th is my birthday).

Until then,
Happy Dueling!